Odie's Roadies

Monday, October 17, 2005

Oaks and Flowers and Full Moon

I keep thinking that we need to take a trip down to San Antonio and see the Alamo, or take the kayaks to a nearby lake for a paddle, or ... or ...

But, Jim isn't feeling so hot, and we really do have a lot of basic around-the-house type chores to do. So, we just 'hung-out' at Oak Forest RV Park, aka 'Home' for the weekend.

It really is beautiful:

We take Odie in the woods next door for nice walks.

And admire this pretty white flower (no, I have no idea what it is..)

We do things like laundry, house-cleaning, house-washing. And talking to friends and family during the free-weekends on our Verizon phone plan.

Then, take advantage of the hot tub, and the full moon at night. ooohhh, aaaaahhhh

posted by Chris at 10/17/2005 03:54:00 PM

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