Odie's Roadies

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Joshua Tree to Quartzsite

On our way back to Quartzsite from Indio - we looked at the map and saw Joshua Tree National Park. Hey, we rarely pass up an opportunity to add another National Park to our list. So we took the 8 mile side trip. What IS a Joshua Tree anyway?

Well, I still don't know what a Joshua tree is. Apparently they only exist in the northeast corner of the park and we were in the south. Even if we wanted to make the drive, we couldn't because the road was closed due to washouts from all the rain. This is one that was still passable.

But we did see Cottonwood Springs - a real Oasis. There's a rushing stream spilling out under those palm trees. Seeing it on this cold, rainy day though didn't have the effect as if it was the normal hot sunny desert.

Now we're back in Quartzsite - where every day is a weekend ... honest!

We understand that all these RVs and flea market style shops will be gone by the first week of March.

We're still here in Rainbow Acres for another week. Gee, I wonder how it got its name?

posted by Chris at 2/26/2005 11:31:00 AM

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