Odie's Roadies

Monday, November 22, 2004

Paperwork Day

We don't get mail every day. We get mail when we ask for it.

You have to have a permanent address in this world. We use the address of Jim's Dad. All our mail goes there. We've made sure that we don't have very much mail. Our preferred method of payment is via credit cards and that gets deposited electronically to our bank account. 90% of our bills are paid online and almost all of our personal communication is with email.

Once every 2 or 3 weeks, we ask Jim's Dad to gather up our mail and send it to a designated address, a campground or a general delivery address. You would think, that with only one mail delivery every couple weeks, I could keep up with it. Wrong. I am in denial. Apparently, I believe that I only need to deal with mail when the pile gets to a certain height. When we lived at a house with daily mail delivery, that height was reached in a week, now it takes about 6 weeks to accumulate - but I wait!

You can bet that there is at least one item in here that is an original bill - AND another item that is a 'your payment is one month overdue' letter. Ahhhh, once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator. Why can't the Internet do everything for me?
posted by Chris at 11/22/2004 10:48:00 PM

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