Odie's Roadies

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving

Hey! Long time no talk to!

We've been away from 'home' for 4 nights now. I don't have my computer and the first thing I realized I forgot to pack was the battery charger for the camera. We went and bought a new charger yesterday (it has both AC and DC - pretty cool) and I'm finally sitting down at Jim's laptop to tell you about our last few days. Here's Frank's parents' house where we're staying in

It's in a very nice neighborhood in Austin, and the weather has been picture postcard perfect. We feel so lucky to have been invited here for the Thanksgiving holiday. We're right at home around the breakfast table - it doesn't bother us a bit for Frank to have his laptop in front of him like a modern-day version of the newspaper!

On Thanksgiving afternoon, Frank took us sightseeing around Austin:

Then we had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with three generations of just the nicest family you can imagine.

On Friday, we went into the Coach Connect office and Jim made some support calls.

There's lots more, but that's all I can stay awake to write about now. I'll leave you with a photo of sunset over Lake Travis.

posted by Chris at 11/27/2004 11:12:00 PM

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