Odie's Roadies

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day in Austin

Ahhhh ... sitting still today here in Austin feels good. It's cold outside (56 degrees) and we've had the heater going all day while we're staying in the RV park attached to the service center. They can't even look at our problems till Thursday ... so, we get to sit.

We even have a cable hookup here which means we'll be able to watch election coverage by The Daily Show's John Stewart. We've really been enjoying video clips of his show. It's a comedy show, but with a lot of intelligent foundation. Whatever the results of this election, it's exciting how it has motivated people to vote. I so enjoyed getting an email today from a friend in Florida who recently passed his citizenship ...
"I never thought that the sole experience of voting was going to be so
special. I never got to vote in Venezuela becuase I just didn't really
care, perhaps I was still too young mentally, but after today, there is no
way that I will feel that I don't care about these things any more!!"

I'm so glad you're here Gil. You remind me that we should never take our democracy for granted.

Austin has a beautiful capitol building. We got to see it thanx to our host and tourguide, Frank! Then he took us to his family's home for a fabulous dinner. We met his family, and fell in love with them, at the RV rally in Hutchinson in June. We were thrilled to get to see them again. Thanx for the wonderful dinner and evening Frank, Frank Sr., and Carol.
posted by Chris at 11/02/2004 06:57:00 PM

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