Odie's Roadies

Monday, July 05, 2004

Hot Springs

Well, we made it to Thermopolis and Hot Springs State Park yesterday afternoon, even tho we had to endure a few miles of dirt road to get there. It made me think of when I was a kid and my family drove the 1500 miles of dirt road that was the Alaska highway. Unthinkable! And we did it 5 times between 1959 and 1966!

And, here is the scene at Hot Springs State Park. Pretty fascinating.

Here is the outdoor baths where you can soak. Admission is free, but they limit you to 20 minutes. At 104 degrees, that's just fine. It felt GREAT.

There is no place to camp at Hot Springs State Park. We were disappointed at first, but things always work out y'know! We found an RV park just down the road called Fountain of Youth. What a find!

Now we gotta get on the road, we have miles to go before we sleep! Our friends Diane and Andy are in their motorhome resting in Missoula Montana. We've asked them to stay put until we can get there. They've been on the road since January and we can't wait to get together and compare notes. There's a link to their blog in the left column of ours - or you can click here. Check it out, they have some gorgeous pictures and lots of stories.
posted by Chris at 7/05/2004 12:27:00 PM

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