Odie's Roadies

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Good Morning!

And, what a beautiful morning it is too!

Since we have no issues of privacy in front of the motorhome here, we're able to leave the windshield uncovered as well as the windows in the 'loft'. Love this view.

Since we're using the kitchen and showers in Jimmy's house, we've been able to stay put for almost a week now without having to go to a dump station. Interesting how nice it feels to stay still for a while, when the most exciting thing about this life is moving. I expect I'll get antsy to hit the road after a few weeks. But, hey, you don't get much better than this parking spot. And, I actually have a lot of computer work to do. That's what I was doing all day yesterday and I didn't post to this blog. I figured you had enough photos of me sitting at the computer! Oh, what the hell?!

And, have I mentioned the temperature? It's about 65 at night ... perfect for sleeping. It gets up to about 75 during the day, and we haven't notice any bugs, so we leave the door to the motorhome open and Odie is so happy to be able to come and go as he pleases. Speaking of Odie ... time to take him for a walk. Maybe we'll go to the beach. Bye for now.
posted by Chris at 5/20/2004 09:11:00 AM

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