Odie's Roadies

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

I haven't written in here for a while because I've been in class. It seemed a good idea to me to use our last couple months in town to get some good training in. Once we're on the road, my primary work will be website development. I've been doing this for about a year now, but not 100%. For $600, I was able to sign up at New Horizons and take all the web/development/graphics classses I could handle. I'm sure that some people treat this like a gym membership - they go once or twice then get slack and forget about it. Not this time! I've taken 11 one-day classes so far: html 1, 2 &3, Dreamweaver 1 & 2, Fireworks 1, Coldfusion 1 & 2, XML and Flash 1 & 2. Some of it has been review and some has been brand new. It's all been good ... and fun! Flash has been the most different. Click on the link below to see one of the exercises I did in class:

Click here to see what I learned to do in Flash!

Going to school is so cool. No responsibilities, just learn. And, learning is my passion! You meet nice people there too. One guy, Bob, has been in several of the same classes and we've shared some good laughs. He's a steel drum musician and wanted his own website, so, he took these classes and updates his website after every class. It's looking really good!! www.steeldrummusic.net He's especially proud of the fact that his site comes up either first or second in a google search for steel drum music. And, this is without any 'pay per click' technology! Pretty impressive.
posted by Chris at 3/17/2004 08:18:00 AM

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